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Children Prayer

Pray this prayer with the “Commander of the Morning” prayer as the Lord leads. I capture the days of your children before the sun rises.

Pray with them before they go to bed at night and before they leave the house for the day.

Teach them to put on the whole armor of God and not be ignorant to the wiles of the enemy.

I release you to go forth and break the powers of the enemy to declare the destiny of your children in Jesus name…

Apostle Kimberly Daniels



(James 5:16)


Effectual, fervent prayer must be efficient (Produce desired effects without a waste of words. These words are detailed, targeted and penetrate their purpose specifically)!


Effectual, fervent prayer is filled with zeal and passion and prayed from a sincere heart! · Effectual, fervent prayer is prayed by people who are in right standing with God!


Father God, in the name of Jesus, I repent of my sins and any iniquities of my past or present that may work against the lives of my children in a negative fashion. I call out my children by name. (Name each child) I thank you for the salvation, healing, deliverance and prosperity of my children. Let every hidden and secret enemy operating behind the scenes in their lives be under the spot light of the Holy Ghost, UNCOVERED FOREVER!


I command every generational sin in my life and the lives of my ancestors to disconnect from their heritage now, in Jesus name! I plead the Blood of Jesus over my child’s naval.


The blessings shall flow to my children and not the curses. Every demonic umbilical cord is severed. All inheritances that rebelliously flow through my bloodline are cut off from them forever.

All destiny devouring spirits are displaced by the Destiny Angel of the Lord.


I walk in the authority that Jesus has given me over my seed!  I break the powers of peer pressure and ungodly association.


My children shall lead and not follow. They are not bound and influenced by the “spirit of the world”.


Every vicious cycle that is ruling over the head of my children through association, incantation or generational influence is destroyed by the whirlwind of the Lord. Self-inflicted curses through negative confession are broken. All negative words spoken over my children through ignorance or intention are erased. I cause doors that have illegitimately or legally made a way for demonic activity to operate in my children’s lives, to be closed forever!


All seeds that have been planted in my children’s lives while they were sleeping are uprooted. The fallowed grounds are broken up and the seeds of the Lord displace them.


Every entry point through a nightmare or dark vision through astral activity is closed continually. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my children as they sleep at night! I command sweet sleep and divine rest upon them.


Incubus and succubus and all other forms of perversion are bound, in Jesus name!


I take authority over the terrors that come by night and declare that as the sun rises it will shine favor upon my seed.  The will of God has captured my children’s days. They shall fulfill the call of the Lord and be called blessed!


Princes, powers and spiritual wickedness in high places have no dominion over my children. The spiritual airways are prosperous over the heads of my children and they shall live full lives. The statistics of the children of the world shall not overcome them because they are children of the light. The countenances of my children shall shine above the children of the world.


They shall not eat of the king’s portion but shall be continually transformed into the image of Christ. My children are in the world but not of the world. The wealth of the wicked is finding its way to them. The heathens shall be their inheritance. They shall possess the gates of their enemies and displace them.


The god of the cosmos is bound and cannot prosper against them. My children can discern the difference between what is holy and what is common. They shall not be set up or deceived by cosmetic fetishes (people, places or things with demons attached).


I bind all curses and incantations against them. I bind all slander and idle words spoken against them.


The boarders are being extended for my children; they shall rise-up and demand room to live!


Rebellion, disobedience and unbelief have no rule over my seed. I circumcise my children with a sharp knife (the Word of the Lord) and pull them out of the ways of the uncircumcised.


My children are wealthy, wise and in a place to receive from God! The words that I speak over them; they shall speak over their seed.

My children shall not be prematurely taken out by sickness, disease, accidents, incidents or the cares of this world. They shall live long prosperous lives and serve God eternally. This is the heritage of my seed for a thousand generations.


Let these words be forever programmed in the heavens…Amen!

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